Help Your Child Succeed

Colorado ABA Therapy believes that a child’s greatest advocate is his or her parent. We strive to empower you to become a partner in your child’s therapy and we work to do all we can to make that easier for you to do. We train and encourage our staff and therapists to listen carefully, observe, and consider all you share with us about your child’s experiences and capabilities.

Resources for Parents and Families

A great deal of very helpful information is available online. Here are just some of the many organizations that might be helpful to you. We also encourage you to ask us about any information you seek, so we can help you locate it in the easiest possible way.

American Deficit Disorder Association,
Developmental Delay Resources,
Family Net Works,

Autism Society of Colorado,

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association,
The American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc.,
American Physical Therapy Association,
The Out-of-Sync Child,
Autism Speaks,
Early Intervention Support,
